"A climate crisis curriculum for the climate strike generation" - free online and designed by Thoughtbox

We know how powerful the youth strike movements are. But we’ve often wondered how teachers feel as their pupils leave their schools - and how much they’d want a bridge between the students’ righteous climate activism, and the worldly education they’d doubtless want to teach them.

Here’s a helpful reach across the gap. The UK organisation ThoughtBox Education have created a “climate curriculum” - created for schools all over the world, with the programmes supporting UK Ofsted requirements for PSHE, SMSC & Global Citizenship.

This is a curriculum that will open your eyes to a variety of global perspectives and take you on a journey from climate crisis to climate action.

We are offering lesson plans and resources for every school aged child from 5-18 years old with a curriculum and schemes of work designed to be used across the whole school timetable.

  • Lessons will introduce key information about the cause & effect of climate change, explore some of the controversy behind climate inaction, engage with the emotions and effects of climate change on both human and non-human communities and inspire empowered actions moving forward

  • Students will practise skills of critical thinking & questioning, deep listening and empathy building by engaging in a wide range of learning stimulus, discussion ideas and creative exercises

  • Additional resources provide schemes of work and guidance for teachers and parents in facilitating discussions whilst offering students a rich bank of resources to support their own learning journeys

They also offer a “Global Thinking Curriculum” - here’s their aims (and free sample lessons here):

We believe that empathy is an innate characteristic which, just like a muscle, is something that can be strengthened over time through practice and effort. Our ThoughtBox lessons help young people to practise empathy and develop critical thinking skills, gaining the tools and mindset needed to think outside the box and develop strong emotional intelligence.

Through hands on, interactive learning experiences designed and developed by teachers, pupils find inspiration, grow curiosity and learn to feel connected to the changing world around them.

Register here.