The UK's Climate Assembly has just begun - and you can watch the same expert witnesses as the participants

Earlier this week, we blogged about Citizens’ Assemblies maybe having a more formal and national deliberative role. To some extent, this may rely on how the UK Government’s Climate Assembly, which started on the 24th of January and will continue meeting until March 22nd, in four sessions.

What we want to highlight is what looks like an excellent public resource, as well as something that will inform the Assembly participants. Above is a YouTube embed of the informative presentations made to the Assembly, by a range of highly authoritative and judiciously chosen experts (here’s the full list). We are especial fans of Joanna Haigh’s presentations, and also climate icon David Attenborough kicks off the entire event.

To surf the videos, click the “1/25” playlist icon at the top right of the embed above. This is the main video channel for the Climate Assembly, and will be regularly updated, so this page is worth a bookmark. Good luck and wise deliberation to all involved.