A/UK has launched an app called Before&Now--so you can note how your life has changed because of Covid-19

To access app, click the picture above, or click here

To access app, click the picture above, or click here

We’re into more weeks of Coronavirus lockdown, in the UK at least - and it continues to be one of the strangest periods of public and private life many of us will have ever experienced.

At A/UK, we’ve been trying to map the big ideas and bold initiatives that have been responding to the impact of Covid-19 - see this tag for posts. We’ll continue to do so, as we feel our emphasis on the power of the cosmo-local, and a relationship-centred, creativity-focused politics, has never been more relevant.


But in the spirit of our “Create The Feel” strand, we wanted to find a way to capture the “feel” of what’s going on here - in the spaces we’re dwelling in, among family, friends and fellow citizens. We mustn’t forget what new moods, words, practices have arisen in these Corona-times, whether at the personal, social or global level.

So… with AUK co-creator Sam Weller, we have created an app, using the Glide software platform, called Before&Now (available here and above). It’s an easy way for you to capture these shifts, internal and external to you—whether you’re on your home computer browser or your mobile browser (in fact, it’s nicer to read and use on your mobile).

We are NOT harvesting any emails here - this is meant to be a “mood map” of the changes we’re noticing through the Covid-19 crisis (we will be saving the material to a Google Sheet, which will be made available generally when this project ends).

Names can be your own, or a made-up name. It’s not identities we’re looking for, but your contribution to the collective landscape of feelings and details - measuring changes before the Coronavirus, and now.

We also want to publish these observations, so that everyone can sense what the collective shifts are. As you can see from the handheld photo above, there is a book icon at the bottom right of the app. Click on that and you’ll see all of the entries so far.

Please share between family and friends. We obviously hope you contribute to this with authenticity and constructiveness - we will be monitoring for any unhelpful behaviour at the end of each day (mail us if you notice anything).

Below is an video from Glide, showing you how to turn Before&Now into an app on your iPhone or Android phone (essentially, you add the web page to your “Home Screen”).

We’re so interested to hear the details you’ve noticing, about these potentially transformative times!