Fractals burn through wood, a plague that makes you dance, the flow in everything… Videos to help you see differently

Welcome to our regular curation of wondrous, moving, and soul-enhancing audio-visual, pulled from the expressive cornucopia of the web…

Embedded above, from Aeon:

For the ABC Science series Phenomena, the Australian artist and filmmaker Josef Gatti collaborated with the Australian composer Kim Moyes for an amalgamation of art and science exploring ‘naturally occurring patterns, and the fundamental forces of nature that create them’. In this electricity-themed entry, Gatti combines an electric circuit, a salt solution and a wooden board to demonstrate how electricity ignites into heat energy and finds the path of least resistance on the wood’s surface, forming the fractal patterns known as ‘Lichtenberg figures’. The demonstration doubles as a miniature yet spectacular fireworks show, with the movement of light and fire captured in stunning 4K resolution.

From Creative Review:

Over two years into a global pandemic, you might think we were fed up of viruses by this point, but the latest video for La Jungle sees a new plague inflicted upon us, which takes the form of an insatiable need to dance.

The video contains shades of the Daniels’ seminal promo for Turn Down For Whatby DJ Snake and Lil Jon, but with added lo-fi gore as the dancing virus victims are shown throwing themselves down stairwells and crashing cars in their desire to groove.

The promo was shot in Brussels and is apparently inspired by the Black Death of the 16th century rather than today’s pandemic. It is shot in a raw, hand-held style to add realism to the otherwise fantastical scenes.

Orma worked with choreographer Brandon Lagaert to create the frantic dance moves, as well as what he describes as “some of the most talented young dancers of the current Belgian scene”.

From Vimeo Staff Picks:

All living things are born and die.
Water flows and never returns back.
The money you have might be gone away.
However, you might become friends with someone who was your enemy.
Everything keep changing and never be the same.
Even these ideas could be changed, just in a moment.

FLOW series NFT

Evanescent by Tamuz Dekel